Wednesday 11 December 2013

Yet another confession

I'm sure you guessed but my work out plan fell through. I have had a weird cold and a tough time on placement so I haven't been getting home until late, and going to meet my tutor to do some assignment work.
Don't get me wrong I love my placement at the moment but it is emotionally draining at times seeing people so vulnerable in their own homes and so close to death.
I've been so tired lately so I have put working out on the back burner.
I have been stretching and doing some yoga when I can but it is hard to fit time at the moment. However I am now over my cold and will try to maintain the work out plan I have at the moment.

Did some yoga tonight, to stretch and to relieve stress.
(As part of the "Basic Yoga For Dummies" series on youtube)

However, I have found an inspirational video I would like to share.

Enjoy and live/love life!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Day 3,4,5 confession

I've been loaded with a weird chesty cold. I've also been working so I haven't had time... Let me rephrase that. I haven't MADE time to exercise. But I don't feel bad about it. If I am not well I need to recover. Once I get over this cold I'm back on the wagon for keeping fit.
Although I have to say I'm seeing improvements in my body already
After a week, I'm feeling a lot more toned in my core, still need to work heavily on the glutes and legs but getting there.